
Chapter.04 " That day "

A mere human is always in danger of falling and it's all the same whether he falls in love , in an ocean or in a sickness at the school trip to a national museum .. it was all the same to me .
On the worst day and at the worst time , I fell in sickness , the weather was dim and cloudy , skies threatened and thunder bolted through the silence of the school bus , everyone was happy and excited , and all I could feel is my throat closing and the urge to sneeze was overwhelming , I felt as bad as I looked , I was so excited the day before , I really wanted to enjoy the trip , my first trip ever < with the school that is > . 
I remember , through the haze clouding my head , being dragged by my fellows through the museum and it was no fun , I liked the cloudy weather too much , so next and in a haze I was thinking how to get home , 4 blocks in the cold with  a useless body was to much troublesome , and then I felt someone dragging me , it was my neighbor , the girl who I never paid attention too , she was all depend on me , and I was all I'm heavy for u to drag , we spoke a little , I was saved , I have someone who cares for me enough to drag me home ... I was the happiest person on that day , rain was wetting our clothes and we were like Idiots , we didnt care who was watching , I was drunk-like walking and she struggled to get me home  and all I could think is ... I HAVE A FRIEND ^_^ . 



In the End a life cant go on by eating and playing around .. life isn't a playground ... life is much , much more beautiful than what so many may think ... life was given to us by our GOD to live and love and worship and to communicate with others , and when one isn't accomplished , then the life of human is a waste ... this waste might be a little girl who lost both faith and ability to communicate with things around , unreal may be , but it happens , when you lose a dream , when promises are broken , when Life it self isn't fair ... and what comes next ... is humans continue to live and eat even though they are not alive , passing by strange streets in bright mornings looking up to blue skies filled with white cotton  clouds .. drawing new dreams and trying to live again .. to laugh , a second chance is always there as long as we are breathing .

 stay strong , fight , fight even if people mock you , even if mad dogs chase you , fight for your life , and run as fast as you can .. freshman's year is hard to get by , new faces , new teachers , new school. public schools have are nothing good , public schools with mad black dogs near by are bad ones , "try to consider again , please dad , mom , I cant go to this school , please I'm really scared" you say this crying your heart out , tears falling on your school uniform after you got home shaking and afraid because some mad dog chased you , and you're replied with mocking laughs ! ... days to come you try to be brave and you even sacrifice some of your time after school in some cleaning activities and you reach home late and proud , no one can defy what you're doing , they chose the playground but you're playing by your rules ...